Gayatri M's profile

Coffee tasting journal

Content, design and illustrations by : Gayatri (
Institution : NIFT
Course : Fashion Communication
Mentors : Neha Dagar & Divya PR

Product : Planner 2020 + Coffee tasting journal
The book comprises 176 pages in total. The contents are :
An illustrated introduction to cupping and tasting coffee
6 short research pieces related to coffee's history, culture and politics with an illustration
A poem by Virginia Woolf - The Waves
Weekly planner pages (2022)
Multiple pages that will help the user note down the observations made when tasting coffee

A 30 page snippet has been attached. Flip through!
Cup of excellence cupping form sourced from James Hoffman's video - A beginner's guide to coffee tasting (
Design thinking tools used :
SCAMPER : Substitute ; Combine ; Adapt ; Modify ; Put to another use ; Eliminate ; Reverse.
Arranging the categories has been done keeping in mind several factors can change with temperature. Hence, though region and method is usually noted first, it has been kept to last as they are both constant factors while all else varies with regards to temperature reducing as time passes.
Positive space and negative space in design :

A traditional method of printing that explores positive and negative space and texture is lino printing. Very similar to wood cut design and block printing, this inspired me to incorporate elements of it to the title.
This project is by Gayatri. She likes telling stories and illustrating and loves when her illustrations tells stories. She made this as a part of her graduation product from her college - NIFT (Batch of 2017-21 BDes) with her host company - 
Kaapi Machines India Pvt Ltd.

Coffee tasting journal


Coffee tasting journal
