Venus Bebensee's profile

Wayfinding and Spatial Design

Wayfinding and Spatial Design

This project focuses on the design of  a wayfinding system for the Javett-UP Art Centre. The purpose of the project is to introduce students to wayfinding design as part of the larger information design and environmental graphic design fields. The project goes through five phases, during the research phase, students are expected to expand on their understanding of the principles behind wayfinding design, research the Javett space and visit it in person. 

During the analytical phase, students are to interpret their research and compile it into a wayfinding scheme, focusing on critical landmarks, flow and circulation. The interpretation phase, entails students to establish a graphic system consisting of key messaging, visual consistency and logical colour system. The application phase requires students to design site-specific signage elements and the last phase is the presentation phase where students neatly present their deliverables in a vertical narrative.

Project Deliverables

- Style Guide including typography, colour palette, iconography and site inspired elements
- Wayfinding Orientation/Circulation map
- Regulatory Icons
- Exterior Identification Signage
- Interior Identification Signage
- Information Signage
- Presentation

Design Strategy

My understanding of the project is based on optimizing the way in which we orientate ourselves in a  certain environment. The challenge is to make the application of wayfinding visually engaging and meaningful within an existing space. The key to coming up with good solution for spatial design lies in prioritizing the specific organization's needs above my personal experiential, stylistic or aesthetic preference. My project focuses on simplicity and modernity as its base communicational asset. Line and shape were used to create visually engaging wayfinding design whilst still allowing the artwork within the space to shine. The simplicity behind my design avoids overshadowing the artwork. By assessing the galleries needs, which were to have a wayfinding system that appropriately draws just enough attention without overpowering the artwork, and to have wayfinding system that compliments the brand personality of the Javett-UP Art Centre itself, I was able to create an appropriate system.
Visual Inspiration
Colours captured during the hours of sundown in the presence of the 
building were used to craft our colour scheme and adjust it to fit our brand 
visual. A night sky blue was added to compliment the pastel orange and 
burnt blue, this colour combination can also be interpreted as the transition 
of sundown to night sky.


The simplicity of century gothic was our main motivation behind the 
choice in font. Its geometric style compliments the our visual aims for 
the brand as well as visual elements in our icons and signs.
Regulatory Icons
Our regulatory icons use sharp geometric shapes inspired by the architectural 
characteristics of the Javett building. This style allows for a clean appeal whilst 
maintaining brand personality and aesthetics.
Directional Signs
The Javett Map

The exterior signage was inspired by the sharp triangular shapes that accentuates 
the bridge entry of the Javett Centre. The use of line was extended into the exterior 
signs to tie in with the wayfinding system.​​​​​​​

The brochure keeps in style with the rest of the wayfinding system. It includes the navigational map as well as some interesting information about the Javett-UP centre. The slants and lineal visual elements tie the wayfinding system together and give visitors a good feel for their location.
Wayfinding and Spatial Design


Wayfinding and Spatial Design
