Kids Flat-Pack Stool
This project is a response to a challenge to design and use a CNC router to build a flat-pack stool which fits into a 30 x 30" piece of plywood. The stool must be stable and large enough to seat an average person, in which the joinery must not involve any hardware or glue.
To tackle this challenge, I prioritized a strong structure, with 2 side panels serving as legs, which are connected by the seat and a wide stretcher. The result is a playful, sturdy form that is suitable for a kids room.​​​​​​​
Assembly process
The square represents the 30 x 30" plywood restriction. The image on the left shows how the cut looks visually, and the image on the right shows the cutting pattern for the CNC router. 
Kids Flat-Pack Stool


Kids Flat-Pack Stool
