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Instructional Design - Course on Trauma-informed Care

Learning Management System - Learning Hub Homepage
Learning management system homepage for a course on trauma. This course provides a baseline on trauma-informed care with best practices for multidisciplinary professionals. It features several hour-long modules. The first three cover basic concepts, such as the effects of trauma on the brain. The other modules are designed to provide more in-depth information for professionals in the following fields: legal, medical, advocacy, child protective services, law enforcement, caregiving, education, and public health.
Brain Activity
The course was created using Storyline 360. To help learners process the content presented by subject matter experts, I designed interactive activities. This activity is meant to cover the different parts of the brain that are impacted by childhood trauma. Users can hover their mouse over the brain and learn where each brain structure is located. When they click on the labels they can read about how each structure functions and responds to trauma. 
Infographics and graphics were incorporated into the slides to present the material taught by subject matter experts in an engaging visual form and to help learners process it with a combination of different learning methods.
Mindfulness Breathing Exercise
Some of the content of this course is difficult to process. The Impact Module featured stories from survivors of traumatic events. This activity gives learners a break from the content and an opportunity to practice mindfulness.
Flashcard Interactive Activity
This flashcard activity provides an opportunity for learners to review content. All the audio and video featured in the course has closed captioning for accessibility.
Instructional Design - Course on Trauma-informed Care

Instructional Design - Course on Trauma-informed Care
