Anastasia Victorova's profile

WaterLevel / УровеньВоды

performance, video-art, instalation
Art-group Поразить Зинаиду:
Eva Shorina
Arseniy Gabdullin
Anastasia Victorova
This video-instalation is made on the streets of St. Petersburg, where GoogleEye glasses are coming. With simple methods of old performance it is shown how the new, complementary reality is going to penetrate into our minds without our permition and control. It will be restricted not to know.
In St. Peterburg we had a lot of floods in the past which are marked with the plates on the buildings. But we hardly notice them.
However, this is going to change in the near future!
More about the project in Russian:
WaterLevel / УровеньВоды

WaterLevel / УровеньВоды

Three projections in one room with Eva indicating the water level of floods. The exclamation about double, complimentary reality and penetration Read More
