Berna E. Kilic's profile

Maine Root. Site Re-Design

I wanted to redesign the look of Maine Root.'s site so that it had a cleaner feel but still kept with the overall feel of the company and it's products. I changed the company's logo and created a different image to use as the root theme they were going with. Here's just a couple examples of some of the pages that I redesigned. The original site can be found here.
The look of the homepage
When an icon on the navigation bar is clicked a drop down menu with specific options (links) with appear.
The drink options page
When an image is selected a separate lightbox will open, containing an image and information about the selected drink
The contact page is also set up as a lightbox for easier navigation
Maine Root. Site Re-Design

Maine Root. Site Re-Design

Redesigned the overall look of Maine Root.'s Website by keeping with the company's standards and theme, but giving it a more cleaner layout, and Read More
