I was given a set of 5 words and needed to create images for 4 of the 5, the words were,
Germ Warfare
Forest of Dean
Brian Epstien
Titanium White
I then had to make either a CD cover or book cover with the best images, I chose to make book covers.
For my first image i used the explosion and the gas masks to represent germ warfare, the rebels or rioters are from the forest of Deans colourful history, rats were used in tests for titanium dioxide, the handcuffs relate to Brian Epstiens arrests and the numbers in the background are mathematical workings for 496, one of four perfect numbers.
For this image i used the river Severn which flows through the forest of Dean, the white space at the top is the titanium white, germs from biological warfare are showing through the water, Euclid's Elements is a very old book with mathematical rules inside, it is from 496AD. Brian Epsteins expensive lighter which he lost in a game of cards sits on the bench.
The main theme here is the vinyl record and the multi colours of the swinging sixties! there is a floral pattern in the background which of course relates to the forest of Dean, the poker chips are for Epsteins love of gambling, also i coloured the chips the same as the gay pride flag. The hearts are for valentine's day as it first came about in 496AD, the marijuana leaves are for Epsteins addiction to drugs, the white label is titanium white in colour and the symbol in the middle is the biological warfare design.
I made this image to look like it had been drawn on an old blackboard as chalk contains titanium dioxide which is the pigment in titanium white, there are workings for the superstring theory and hearts for 496, a floral design of leaves for the forest, gas mask for germ warfare and music notes for Brian Epstein.
The Anarchists Cookbook
The Blackboard Diary
Book Covers

Book Covers

Assignment 2, Graphics Design, Brighton & Hove College
