
One step closer towards fulfilling a soul.

In the early days, food was all about subsistence - a way for man's survival.

Today, the preparation of food is an art. Presentation is an art. Dining has become an experience, a path towards the diner's soul. Good food and good dining experiences my be imagined akin to a symphony orchestra - every little detail, every drop of sauce, the subtle nuances in the taste of the food - all come together as one to create a powerful piece of art - the experience that fulfils a true food lover's soul.

Photographing food is a skill in itself - one which I have been working towards honing. These photographs were shot early in my career, with mostly natural light and minimal setup. All the food and drinks showcased are natural, and perfectly edible - an attempt towards showcasing the true experience a food lover will have, while dining with my client.
Food and Drinks.