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Artivism Poster Design

Illuminations Series - Artivism
Client: The Plenary Co.
Dec 2020 - Jan 2021
Illuminations Series is a collaborative, educational art and science mini-exhibitions that pair social, scientific, and environmental issues with creative works. Artivism is a part of this series, in which I illustrated compelling quotes on the intersection of imagination and progress.

Visit The Plenary Co.'s website and instagram for updates on exhibition and more information about their other activities.

The Quotes, Pencil Sketches and Illustration Inspirations

“Science fiction is simply a way to practice the future together.” - adrienne maree brown. Illustration inspiration came from highlighting the quote itself regarding science fiction (alien, space), togetherness (the hands construct the quote altogether with the beamed lights), and adrienne’s views on freedom of pleasure (feathers and mushrooms).

“Imagination Inspires Nations.” - Janelle Monáe. This is quite a simple and short quote to perfectly shown in bold letters. Janelle has a known style to dress in tuxedo, so I put a hand in tuxedo to portray her style. In the background, I use buildings that represent cities/nations, and hands of people that coming out from the buildings' windows to represent imagination. The hands beam some letters in the quote, that represents working together to build better nations.

“The world is ripe for a remaking.” - Theaster Gates. Inspiration for the illustration came from Theaster's role as an artist/urban planner. His encouragement of growing new perspectives, indicated by the hands that grow plants with eyes as the flowers. The finish design will show a pattern of brick with an opened asymmetrical hole, which portrays Theaster’s activities on building community spaces from reusing old buildings and materials.

“Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” - Dr. Edward De Bono. This is the longest quote of the series, so the lettering is simplified to maintain legibility. The quote is taken by Dr. Edward’s book, “Six Thinking Hats”, thus the design include the six hats illustration. Dr. Edward's thinking method aims to encourage organization of asymmetric thoughts, which are presented by botanical elements that are broken through by the ideas coming out of the hats.

Final Posters
Words from Founder and Director of The Plenary Co., Stephanie Fine Sasse, EdM.

"Thank you so much for all of the thought and creativity you’ve poured into this series. It’s really beautiful and we are thrilled with how it’s come together. It’s also been a pleasure working with you through this process – thank you for being simultaneously so imaginative (and talented) and also open and collaborative. We really appreciate both you and your work."

Artivism Poster Design


Artivism Poster Design
