Images Collection from Video Game
They have everything. They don't need anything. Everything is available: food, flower, toy, stereotype of life and death.
The house plants, the picture windows looking like coffins, the dwarf flowers stretched out in patches, glimmer of television that is never turned off, roads that connect living room to remote supermarket, the flash light of game machine indicating its popularity, the crowded fruits and frozen food on the shelves, the advertisement, and swimming pool inside of a backyard, as glowing symptoms of happiness. Everything here is to  serve as a stimulating copy in some other worlds.
Never try to stop a jogger. Never turn off a TV that no one is watching. It's verification of their existence. Do not interrupt the dream.
It's a paradise, an utopia. An utopia that has been achieved.  Though being monotonous, mournful and ideal home for death, it's an utopia. An utopia dream made realize.
It's our neighborhood. 


They have everything. They don't need anything. Everything is available: food, flower, toy, stereotype of life and death. The house plants, the Read More
