I truly enjoyed my time designing T-shirts. I had the privilege of designing for great companies
and organizations world wide. Many of my creations for Planet Hollywood were used, a few for grand openings.

I had 4 of my designs featured in this Puma apparel catalog. We applied puffer inks on some aspects of the designs
to make them pop. It turned out to be a really different look and feel when done.

Getting to create for national and international brands has been a great experience.
I've enjoyed the challenge of meeting client audience needs with diverse design preferences.
And 1 really liked my raw approach and wanted more of their design line to be representative of this.

Designing for Ripley's Sea Aquarium was always a joy.
These were some of the T-shirt designs chosen for production and sold in their retail shop.

These graphic T-shirts were for a diverse array of clients. The Headroom design was for a club.
We printed these in a glow in the dark ink. I designed a line of children's T-shirts for Sets Volleyball.
I also created a pro-bono design for Habitat for Humanity that became one of 5 sent in for an internal contest.

T-shirt Designs


T-shirt Designs
