Upcycled clothing is the method of taking old, worn out or damaged materials and transforming them into brand new pieces. Also referred to as repurposed clothing, reused clothing and recycled clothing, upcyled garments are becoming increasingly popular in the contemporary fashion industry. There are many environmental benefits to wearing upcycled pieces. Upcycled clothing uses significantly fewer raw materials, reducing the harmful impacts of fashion production. Less water usage, fewer chemicals and carbon emissions and avoiding contributing to landfill, upcycled clothing exists in stark contrast to the likes of one-season pieces from fast fashion brands.

So now you know the pluses of investing in upcycled clothes rather than contributing into fast fashion. My goals for this project was to help to promote how good upcycled clothes can be and they can be fashionable and even easy to make if that’s something the audience would be willing to do. I have created my own range of upcycled clothing made out of old clothing and materials. I have contributed to 2021 trends so it will fit into the clothing people are interested in and now would be willing to create instead of buy. As a lover of fashion, I came up with the idea of creating an upcycling brand. I want to push the idea of having the fashion industry be less contributing to fast fashion.The campaign has evolved into my own small business. I have taken my old and recycled clothes and reworked them into something new by sticking to the new trends.
My Upcycling Project


My Upcycling Project
