Lewis Rogers's profile

Retinal Memories Series

Retinal Memories Series

I love capturing memories I see, starting in 1989 the next evolution of my photo-sequential and polyptych work, I began a series of how one’s eyes (mine, at least) wanders from one point of interest to another, taking an irregular route through the scene as opposed to straight vertical or horizontal movement. Beginning in 1993 my focus started to shift as I became fascinated with capturing not just how your eye takes in a scene; but also how much of that information is mentally retained.  Hence, I set the points of interest so they show the space of the retained memories, and the blank space around these subjects represents the subtractive space; which is the lost memories from the entire scene. These scenes can be as little as one view or as many as it takes to make a complete memory of a sequence in time. Feel free to use your imagination to complete the scene.
Retinal Memories Series

Retinal Memories Series
