Harry Adams's profile

Your Book: Publish Which Medium? And Why?

Publish: Which Medium? And Why?
When I was first conceiving the idea of the film and having it accompanied by stills, I thought in an ideal world a physical exhibition would be perfect.

I was hugely moved and inspired by the Alex Prager exhibition at the Photographers Gallery when we visited all the way back in first year, and her work is something that still influences the way I create today. The entire Silver Lake Drive exhibition was overwhelming and beautifully laid out but I was particularly taken with the floor dedicated to her film 'A Face in The Crowd' and the accompanying stills. The film is an 11 minute pseudo-documentary piece about someone working their way through a crowd, intercut with interview style pieces with various people from the crowds. 
A Face In The Crowd Excerpt from https://www.alexprager.com/face-in-the-crowd-excerpt
I would have loved to display this project like this but with no physical exhibitions happening for degree show or anything this year it's just not going to happen.

So instead I circled round to the idea of a webpage that reads like an exhibition space! Setting up a page on my website to work like this was the next logical step.
It already has the clean white minimalist look that I wanted out of a real life exhibition space so I was good to go! 

I chose a website as it can act as a kind of virtual exhibition space, and another useful benefit is that once I share the project and it is live it will drive traffic to my website and portfolio!
Your Book: Publish Which Medium? And Why?

Your Book: Publish Which Medium? And Why?
