G E S T U R A L  D R A W I N G
1st Attempt
2nd Attempt
3rd Attempt
4th Attempt - My sister :)
5th Attempt
6th Attempt - Harry Styles :)

R E - A T T E M P T S / I M P R O V E M E N T S
Re-attempt 1 - I looked closely to every single small part of the body and find a certain shape that comes out of it and tried to quickly capture every single shape until it combines to form the gesture of the person.
Re-attempt 2 - The open body posture of the person makes it easier to capture the shapes that come out of each body part.
Re-attempt 3 - Mr. Azri's favourite harhar. The slight curves from the body really captures the gestures of this volleyball player which I got the reference picture from a volleyball show I watched :)
Gestural Drawing

Gestural Drawing
