Terri Foubister's profile

Secondary Main Project, Menopause Social Campaign/Brand

Secondary Main Project. Menopause Social Campaign (and brand), The case for Her with D&AD + Refinery 29. 

Terri Foubister - 1703669
BA H Communication Design 2021.

These are my final outcomes for the above project to conclude my Honours year projects and are final submissions for this project. 

Brief: To create an inclusive, bold and informative campaign to remove the social stigma around the word "Menopause" and give people easy access to important health information.
I have created a brand called Menopause Access. This brand is only in its starting stages and can be taken on by a larger company to run a social campaign and help gain traction for the cause. In this brand I have created various type of public advertisements to get the word out that its okay to talk about menopause, and in-fact, you must. 
Not enough people know basic information when it comes to menopause so I knew I needed to create a brand that can share this, get the word out in a positive and welcoming way that anyone can read and can use at anytime. Most information online, around menopause, is always negative: how to delay symptoms, how to loose weight, how to do anything but accept this new chapter in your life. It is not something to hide, try to fix or to feel horrible about and this is why I have created this social campaign and brand. To help people understand this change, know that it is okay and just because you are going through menopause does not mean your life is any less valued.

I have created mockups for what they social campaign can produce, a mini brand book to show the ropes and an accessible informative platform than anyone can type the URL or scan the QR code and be launched into a portal that has everything you need to know, books to read, podcasts to listen to and pages that can help you if you need it during this journey.

Street Advertisements, 3 parts: 
Part 1: Poster design 1, photoshopped in local Aberdeen bus stop on West North Street.
Photography by Terri Foubister, Designed and Illustrated by Terri Foubister.
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021.
Part 2: Poster design 2, photoshopped in local Aberdeen bus stop on West North Street.
Photography by Terri Foubister, Designed and Illustrated by Terri Foubister.
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021.
Part 3: Poster design 3, photoshopped in local Aberdeen on Causeway End.
Photography by Terri Foubister, Designed and Illustrated by Terri Foubister.
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021.

Social Media Advertisements, 2 parts:
Part 1: Social media template post - Block Grid post, Design 1. Large design split into 3x3 grid with 1:1 ratio. 2048px.
Illustration and mock-up by Terri Foubister.
Posted on @deliciosa_designs (Instagram).
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021.
Part 2: Social media grid post - Block Grid post, Design 2. Large design split into 2x3 grid with 1:1 ratio. 2048px.
Illustration and mock-up by Terri Foubister.
Posted on @deliciosa_designs (Instagram).
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021. 
Part 2.5 Social media - Block Grid post, Design 2. Large design split into 2x3 grid with 1:1 ratio. 2048px. This is a video showing the design on social media and the information posted next to each block when you swipe left and the captions for each post.
Illustration and design by Terri Foubister.
Posted on @deliciosa_designs (Instagram).
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021. 

Vinyl Cut-out Advertisement, 2 parts:

Part 1: Vinyl design put into private bathroom.
Illustration and photography mock-up by Terri Foubister.
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021. 
Part 2: Vinyl design on a stone wall in public road. 
Illustration and photo-editing by Terri Foubister. Mockup background from free-mockup.com
Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021.

Brand Guide Book:
Below is the Mini Brand book for Menopause Access, a guide to use all graphics, fonts and colours created. Businesses or companies  (such as Tampax) can use this guide to know what the brand is about and how to use the items, it shares the aims and objectives, inspirations and key message: To promote, educate and normalise Menopause.

From Left to Right:
Cover page, Brand Guide for Menopause Access.
Brand Aims and Objectives.
Brand logo.
Brand logo in b&w, grey tone. 
Brand Colours.
Brand Typefaces.
Brand Graphics. 

Copyright Terri Foubister, 2021.

Secondary Main Project, Menopause Social Campaign/Brand

Secondary Main Project, Menopause Social Campaign/Brand
