Televised Vitals

Televised vitals is my triptych that takes a spin on the pop art movement. While I personally find something about the colors that irks me, I think the overall output depicts the art movement it is supposed to depict properly. Through my conceptualizing, I learned that pop art used to have an element of "irony" and emphasized objects instead of people. To integrate that philosophy into my style, I made a triptych that have an object as one of the focus. The "irony" of this triptych is that you can find humor in others. I twisted it to have a message that relates to me more as a person. The triptych shows how people could be constantly paranoid of their own surroundings because it feels like any wrongdoing would be televised and mocked for. When you do make an effort to show those negative feelings, you have no choice but to depict it in an artistic form, which distorts the meaning you originally intended it to have.
Below are each of the individual paintings.
Televised Vitals

Televised Vitals


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