Burning Man Event Poster Design
Burning Man is an avant-garde outsider-art festival which occurs yearly in Northwestern Nevada. It combines many adventurous activities such as cycling, camping, sightseeing, lecture series, and art appreciation. There are many young people attending the event, but the majority of the attendees and event coordinators are in their late 30s and 40s. Event goers will witness one-of-a-kind large scale interactive artwork, pyrotechnic displays, and musical performances of all kinds. The event is one week long, but it can be fully experienced in as little as three days.
While it is a major commitment of time and money, Burning Man is an unforgettable experience which often appears on the bucket list of people around the world. Planning for the event must start as early as February, and your experience is largely dependant on your ability to organize and coordinate. At the conclusion of the event, attendees depart with a deep sense of accomplishment that adds to the overall impact of the endeavor.
Target Market
30-45 years old, female and male
The event is fundamentally all-inclusive and shows no gender bias. Attendees come from all over the world, and welcome all gender identities, races, creeds, etc. This is fundamental to the Burning Man ethos.Technically savvy (uses computers often)Burning Man is a way for attendees to fully drop off the grid for awhile, and re-assess what is important to them while demonstrating self-dependence. Additionally, the event is possibly the world’s greatest photo-opportunity for social media enthusiasts. Also, planning tactics and event information are fully available through online sources, which helps draw event goers from all over the world. Much of the art and lectures revolve around our relationship with technology and cutting-edge ideas.
Working Professional
Burning Man is expensive. Part of its self-regulating quality comes from the significant investment required by attendees.Commutes on Train, does not drive. The event is far away. Even if you live nearby, you will need to rent a specific vehicle to carry all your gear. Your arrival and departure can take many forms, and will need to be coordinated well ahead of time. You do not need to own a car to get there, and it is not recommended that you take your daily-driver.
Rushed and busy lifestyle
The event will be your biggest trip of the year. This will be an adventure of a lifetime that allows you to break away from your demanding job to re-learn who you are.
Interested in the Arts
Burning Man is primarily an arts-fest. There are many enormous pieces of art which are unique and new every time. The event has a different theme each year which guides the creative work. Participants will engage with and photograph one-of-a-kind sculptures.
Has Small Children
Children are allowed. There is no age requirement, but minors must be accompanied by guardians at all times. There are many events and groups available to help parents bringing children of all ages. While it may seem intimidating or dangerous, Burning Man is can easily be an event for the whole family, provided one does the research and joins the right communities. Alternatively, this is also a good excuse to leave the kids with their grandparents.
Active Lifestyle
Burning Man requires its attendees to travel primarily by bicycle. The days are hot and the nights can be quite cold. Attendees must be in good physical shape to experience the festival in the traditional way. One can expect to average over ten miles of biking a day. The event is somewhat comparable to a week long hiking adventure.
Burning Man Poster


Burning Man Poster
