Wardrobe, 2019
bronze, resin, iron, spikes, coins

140 x 64 x 170cm

Wardrobe represents The Woman seen through the eyes and the values ​​given by the society. Wardrobe consists of a hanger stand on which are suspended three typologies of women:

Rosa is the heaviest "woman" in this set, carrying all the burdens of contemporary society. I chose to create the delicate character using the heaviest material, only to render it’s "burden" / weight.

• Power  is the hanger on which the powerful, successful and financially independent  "woman" stands. This piece is made of 1 ban coins (the coin with the lowest value in Romania) and resin.

• The third woman, The Trap is the woman who is superficially labeled, full of thorns on the outside, but frail and gentle on the inside. We all know that looks can be deceiving.

This work is representative for me by approaching the theme and by the fact that I explored a wide range of materials: from the metal part (represented by the support of clothes) with which I was not familiar until a year ago, to the bronze part with which I work every day, being part of a bronze foundry team from Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania.
I consider that my work it defines me from the artistic point of view and all the materials I used represent the true nature of any woman.



