Keith Ryan's profile

Mega City Soundscape

Brief: Create a unique soundscape for Mega-City One that captures the feeling of being in the city. A portion of your soundscape must capture a feeling of moving through the city.
Plan and possible sounds for use 
1. Opens to heavy footsteps walking along a street.
pa system advertising
steam/flames shooting out
air conditioning motors
sound of peoples voices
mobile ringtones
mobile beepers
neon lights buzz
2. Man turns into alley way.
shuffle of footsteps turning corner.
decrease in sound of traffic.
increased reverb on footsteps.
stepping in water puddles.
squeak of rats.   
air conditioning motors.
drunks in alleyway sound of breaking bottles.
3. Man opens door.
shuffling of lock as he checks to see if its open.
kick and crash of door opening.
breath sounds as he prepares to kick door.
4. Steps inside door and makes his way over to elevator.
water drops.
sounds from faulty lights.
increased echo from empty building.
beep of elevator button.
elevator moving.
doors opening/closing.(suction type sound)
5. Reaches rooftop and fires rpg at a helicopter.
street sounds
motor sounds.
walks to edge of building.
picks up RPG loads and fires.
explosion sounds on impact.
Resources for sounds
Bladerunner soundtrack 
Bladerunner Trailer  
Total recall trailer (2012) 
Judge Dredd trailer
Initial searches across creative common libaries have thrown up numerous possiblities but where possible I'll create my own sounds from scratch. I found a number of beeps for possible use for the button press when calling the elevator, I then went about creating the sound myself in reaper by using the cm101 synth combined with some reverb and panned predominantly to the left, as I visualise the button being positioned to the characters left.
I plan to have three initial scenes, which I plan to build the pace and tone behind it to a peak at the end. With this in mind I've created the starting tone, which is based outside in the city streets. The second scene is inside an empty building where I plan on using a higher pitched tone and with more notes.
First iteration of soundscape
Some additions and adjustments, mainly to the final section as I felt there wasn't enough futuristic sounds in there.
Mega City Soundscape

Mega City Soundscape

Create a two minute soundscape to show movement through a mega city.
