Expressions are the most visible reflections of our minds. They are the ones that connect us with the people around us and build a sense of relatable kinship in all humans. Similarly, they are one of the most important parts of visual storytelling. Not only do they make the viewer relate with the characters, but also read between the lines of the story and go a level deeper. 

While creating a character, I find the process of making the expression sheet, one of the most intuitive and knowledgeable processes. It helps me understand my own character on a much deeper level; how they look, how they react in different situations, how they perceive their own emotions, etc. 

Using different shapes as the base of the character was quite challenging as the edges and the curves determine a lot about the character's personality. Accordingly, the emotions and the degree of which they are felt varies. I really enjoyed creating expression sheets for these three characters that I had created in an earlier exercise. 


