Theme of my film “ The Jungle Prince“ is Revenge. 

The genre of the film is Animated documentary.

The story is about a family (Mother, Daughter and the son) who claimed themselves to be the royal inherits of the kingdom of Oudh. They wanted to claim their status and respect back. This politics slowly swallowed them. The queen drank crushed diamonds and committed suicide, the princess of illness and the prince died in loneliness in the dense forest located in the middle of the capital city, Delhi loosing all his identity. Identity that was forged.


Exposition: A family of a mother and two children has stationed themselves on the Railway station.  They have made the waiting hall their home. Silk carpets, Expensive crockery, Nepali servants and ten horrific dogs are the new topic of discussion. They claim to be the Inheritors of the Kingdom of Oudh. They demand respect and status (a palace) from the government.

Rising Action:  After ten years of silent protest and living on the station the government at last provided them a shelter, A hunting Lodge know as the Malcha Mahal. It was a crumbling delicate fort in the middle of the forest in Delhi. The family shifted there. It had no supply of running water or electricity, but they had a palace to themselves. The palace was a mess but the family still lived like royals. They ate off expensive crockery and had the crumbling walls adored with the pictures of the queens and princesses. They were completely cut off from the outside world. Amongst the hustle bustle of the capital city lived the jungle royals.

Climax: They kept narrating their story and plight to the foreign visitors telling them about the irrationalities of the government. They spoke about how their kingdom was taking over and they were left homeless. How they are disrespected despite of being the royals. The queen eventually drank crush diamonds and committed suicide in the most royal way. (In protest). She wanted to make a statement.

Falling Action: After the death of their mother the prince and the princess were left alone. The were so disturbed at they never changed or cleaned after the death. The bottle of the crushed diamonds was lying there in the same position; the food cooked that day was rotting in the utensils. The princess also committed suicide. It was running in the family. She also wanted to make the statement like her mother.

Falling Action: The prince was left all alone and didn’t like anyone visiting him. He was fragile and lonely. He spent days and nights in solitude. The prince fell sick and after the week of acute illness. He was found lying naked on the cold floor of the Palace. He was dead for couple days before people actually figured out.

Resolution: As nobody came to claim the prince’s body. He was buried in the graveyard with a pink stone and number on top of another body. This is what happens to the bodies with no IDENTITY.
WILAYAT: The begum was an arresting-looking woman, tall and broad-shouldered, with a face as craggy and immobile as an Easter Island statue. She wore a sari of dark, heavy silk and kept a pistol in its folds. 

PRINCESS SAKINA: She was just like her mother strong sharp features. Tall and skinny. She along with her brother sat on the red plastic chair at the railway station. While living in the forest Sakina didn’t take bath for 30 years. She had hair like deadlocks running all the way down till the floor. She looked much old and frailer than her age.
PRINCE CYRUS: He was tall and had sharp cut features. He was elfin and wore high-waisted mom jeans. He had high cheekbones with hollows beneath them and wild gray hair that stood up in tufts. He has a high-pitched voice and spoke in bursts, as a lonely person would do.



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