“Enjoy the little things in life for someday, you will realize they were the big things.” -Unknown

The assemblage sculpture is entitled “Eye of the Beholder” as it lets the audience think, with the idea that it resembles a rat, or perhaps a skunk. Thus, the artist thought of its title based on the artwork itself, using different types of objects at home and reimagined it as a whole new image. The artwork encourages audiences to step out of the box and to move beyond the concept of only using clay and to try new things. 

Although the artist has her own interpretation on the image of the sculpture, audiences are still encouraged to let their imagination wander, through the artwork’s meaning or its representation. Using pizza cutters as the legs of the structure, the artist carefully constructs and plans out the found-at-home objects that can complement them, without having an overpowering visual. 

The artist reimagined the animal’s snout and body with a sauce container, which shy typically uses during her meals. Coating it with gray acrylic paint and adding further details of black shadows are the process needed to create a realistic figure. With that in mind, buttons are put on the cover as its eyes, inspired by the film, “Coraline”, which depicts the soul of the artwork. The ears of the sculpture are the main highlights of the sculpture, using bright colors from soap boxes such as green and white, which overall represents nature. After some finishing touches, the artist adds purple wires to mainly show the artist’s dreams and its depiction. 

The materials used are related to the positive nature of rats, being independent on its own. Just as how rats are unique in their own way, the artist decided to recreate her perception of the sculpture, using different materials and assembling it all together, creating a newly-assembled sculpture, with all of its materials showing their uniqueness that adds further details to the artwork.

In general, The artist wishes to create an artwork that feels like a familiar figure but is shown as ambiguous, general, and abstracted. Combined with nature's phenomena with simplicity and purity, the artist is inspired by certain animals, often overlooked by people. With the influence of nature, new synergies are created from both modern and traditional structures. The artist interprets the sculpture as a rat. As such, the artist once dreamt of a purple rat, just as how it speaks to a shadow side of her that needs more awareness.

Eye of the Beholder” Time-lapse Video
Background Piano Music Used: “All with you” 

Eye of the Beholder

Eye of the Beholder
