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- March For Life Argentina -

Coverage of the March For Life - Argentina 
(Buenos Aires)

On the 27th of March, 2021, Argentina celebrated the 6th annual March For Life.
After the approval of the bill that allows abortion until week 14 was held on December 30th, 2020, thousands of Argentines took the streets to express their defence in favor of both lives.
The youth sector shown its presence with posters, argentine flags and light blue handkerchiefs, along with their constant and motivational song-singing.
"It's not an extension of rights to treat others as a waste" and "Abortion is the last link on a chain of dropouts" were some of the ones carried by members of the pro-life organisation of the University of Buenos Aires.
Some of the posters read: "They've stepped on a right (referencing the pro-abortion government), but we're still standing".
Despite the approval of the abortion bill, polls continue to indicate that the majority of the Argentine people reject abortion and demand that the human rights of all people be respected and worked on.

Thanks for watching.
- March For Life Argentina -