kim seoyoon's profile

timebox exhibiton

Do you think you’re using your time by your will?
Are you sure that you don't feel like time is chasing right behind you to kill your existence?
Time. Nothing can restore, no one can go back.
People knead their time in their own time-zone which is given to each one of us.
And some of those creation flows indifferently,
become a short break of the day or put you on the top of your life. 
That's how we work with our time.
Here I suggest you to try to knead your time one by one through detail with my TIME BOX. 
We often spend lives feeling just like time is chasing us to kill.
Weigh of time
If you accord weigh on time how heavy your time will be?
Time of someone might be lighter; another one might feel his time endlessly heavy.
Prison of time
We are living in a cell of time; 24-7 which is basically made by human beings.
Seconds & Minutes
I wish them to stick to each other to stop flow of time.
What do you think is the color of your talent?
Everybody's gifted. And that's what we call TALENT. 
It is solely up to you how to use it. 
It’s about how much you’ve made yourself loving your time by every minute and second,
and how dense you’ve molded your time.
Thank you for visiting the exhibiton.
 it's very funny work to me :-)
timebox exhibiton

timebox exhibiton

time box
