Prompt: project that unites time.
This was a collaborative project with Sari Sandler, we were working together with a time zone difference of 8 hours as I was in Providence and Sari in Moscow. We decided to make that work for us, I was interested in relativity of time. We ended up finding a crosswalk by following exactly the same directions from our homes and collecting data there at the same time. Such things as number of people cars, their activity etc.
I was interested in relativity of time and representing it as you can see above and Sari was interested in documentation of each site, since the crossroad she got was more populated than mine. She ended up creating some posters. This is how we combined it together.
I ended up creating and installing the cubes that represent the limitless moments/aspects that can happen in the moment, each poster represents past, present, and future from left to right respectively. I also did the animation of walking people, spinning time in the cube, and projection mapping. 
Time relativity

Time relativity
