Maham Sirohey's profile

Visual Perception (Interaction design) Thesis

The basis of this project begins with the concept of the relationship of perception and reality, which despite their contradictory relationship goes hand in hand. In this project, I’m assessing how we have created patterns in our own mind that deceive us into believing how things are for us and due to that, we don’t look beyond the capacity of our mind to question things in a greater context. The way we confine ourselves to limit our understanding results in the following things:
1.Uninformed judgments
2. Our instant conclusions
3. Having biases and prejudices
4. Our illusion of understanding things as they are.
The philosopher Thomas Metzinger calls human beings “naïve realists” because we assume that the world is actually the way we see it, that we perceive our surroundings directly and completely. But in fact, our brains generate a virtual world inside our minds. The data that our senses collect is analyzed and organized into a coherent mental representation. Our brain then attempts to make sense of the torrent of information by applying a host of biases, prejudices, conditioning, hunches, and guesses so it has meaning for a civilized primate. It‘s a crucial step in order to initiate behavior that keeps us out of trouble and optimizes our chances to flourish.
As a famous neuroscientist Beau Lotto, who studies about mysteries of the brain’s visual system says, that we human beings live in our own version of the world which we have evolved to achieve through our preconceived ideas and first hand experiences. That is the bubble we live in comfortably. Although, reality; is far greater than what we perceive it to be. The reality for us is how we make our belief systems, the theories we follow and the rationale’s we have to live in this world are all the pre-conceived ideas that are coming to us through generations.
As William James says: “Our experiences and expectations help us to make sense of what we see, and without them, the visual world would just be an unstructured array of light, ‘a blooming bussing confusion’’.
Like our ancestors interacted with the world to understand the meanminds are just augments of our created reality which we don’t question anymore. We feed in data in our minds that gives us singular aspect of things and we hold on to the meaning.
Project Title
(You see what you want to see)
Visual Deception.
The project title is named as VU because the hidden message behind is view (to see, to speculate a perspective).
The dictionary meaning of view is the ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place or to regard in a particular light or with a particular attitude.
Whereas the V denotes ‘we’ while the ‘U’ denotes you. It is the relationship of the self with the world, through perspective.
The basis of this project begins with a concept of the relationship of perception and reality, which despite their contradictory relationship, ultimately go hand in hand. ‘Perception’ as a term refers to how we as human beings understand and interpret our surroundings- a sensory experience of the world around us. ‘Reality’ on the other hand concerns itself with the fact and the state of things, as they actually exist. As it goes, “no matter how right we are, there is always room for reflection”.
The project intends to explore the phenomena of deception and how people confine their understanding by the limitation of their minds.
The dictionary meaning for self-deception is the action or practice of allowing oneself to believe that a false or invalidated feeling, idea, or situation is true.
We often get too involved in our own preconceived ideas that we believe our point of view to be right. In this act, we often tend to disregard other people’s opinions and deem our own perspective to be true. This act deceives us into creating biases which effect at a minor level and leads to major problems for example, uninformed judgments, leads to stereotyping and this can also result in discrimination at a national and international level. In the act of self-deception, we become intolerant towards other people, because we reason with our thoughts and create judgments about someone according to our opinion whereas, failing to realize that someone would be forming a judgment about us too.
Our capacity for self-deception has no known limits. -- Michael Novak
Visual Perception (Interaction design) Thesis

Visual Perception (Interaction design) Thesis
