The Waverley Trail in Waltham and Belmont, MA is a 3/4 mile interpretive trail tells the story of the natural and cultural heritage of the Waverley neighborhood, and the legendary Waverley Oaks. Along the trail you will find 3-sided kiosks and signposts with graphic panels. The copper-roofed kiosks include a map of the trail that repeats at each location.
The trail was dedicated on Arbor Day, 2007 and named a National Historic Trail in 2011.
Kiosk with interpretive graphic panels on three sides, granite base, copper roof, and silkscreened headers.
Detail of graphic panel from one of the sign posts.
Sign post.
Detail of banners along the Waverley Trail.
The Waverley Trail

The Waverley Trail

Interpretive kiosks, signposts, and banners
