Serima | Brand Campaign

"Sino ang totoong Kriminal?" = Who is the true Criminal?

The Kuhila Exhibit​​​​​​​

Kuhila means traydor just like as shown below, plastics made represented as weapons symbolize that plastics have been a commodity in our everyday lives but we never perceived its disadvantages until now that it affects our environment and all living things.
Sino ang totoong Kriminal? (Who is the true criminal?) - Plastics.


Ambient Ad​​​​​​​

Malls and shopping centers have giant installations attached on their ceilings as decorations. These will instead be used as an ambient ad where giant constructed pieces of single-use plastics are suspended from the ceilings and the shadows they cast on the floor is a gun, representing how something as mundane as plastics can have the ability to harm - just like guns - when we shed some light onto them.

Serima | Brand Campaign

Serima | Brand Campaign

Serima is a branding campaign for a public exhibition about single plastics and the dangers they pose. Illegalizing single-use plastics globally Read More
