Biomimicry is the imitation of the models, systems, and elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems; biomimicry in architecture and manufacturing is the practice of designing buildings and products that simulate or co-opt processes that occur in nature.
Buildings, regrettably, don’t last forever. Until recently, the only way to increase a building’s lifespan was ongoing maintenance, which can be expensive, time-consuming and in the case of infrastructure such as bridges or roads, inconvenient. Beyond that, periodic replacement of the entire structure was an option, however this is clearly not a sustainable solution, especially considering the amount of CO2-releasing concrete used in modern construction.
The buildings are more like an organism than a cave.And unlike the conventional buildings where we try to marry many materials together it is just one materials that take different forms kind of like how atoms form everything in this world....This amazing joinery unlike the usual slab resting on two supports where a breakage happens and the whole building collapses even if point is weak there is no big collpse.....this is a process to figure out such a joinery which can change the world one day.... 

A glimpse of the vertical streets. The web which is forming the streets. While the cocoons forms residential and office spaces.The joinery decides it all..We dont have to barge into the jungles anymore but actually create one. As any organism the tissue dies but it is like any lifecycle it...... 
It follows the principles of succession.
It becomes a part of the ecology and becomes one with it.
The Parasite