Diana Benevelli's profile

Bear mood change - traditional 2D animation

Bear mood change traditional animation
This is my very first study on emotions animation. This is traditional pose to pose animation of a bear, from sad to uncertain and happy in the end. These poses have been realized following an online course and are helping me in understanding volumes consistency and expression focus points to convey the emotion.
As a first step into 2D pose to pose completely hand drawn animation, I decided to start on paper.
As I than learnt how to use Harmony Toon Boom, I transposed these poses in digital and realized inbetweens in Harmony as I felt it was more correct to me. I wanted to keep the smoothness of the pencil trait on paper, so I chose a charcoal-like trait.
In the video, you'll see the final result with a bit of cleaning, but I wanted to keep it still a bit sketchy.
Beneath, the key poses previously done on paper.
Bear mood change - traditional 2D animation


Bear mood change - traditional 2D animation
