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Regulating Traffic With Speed Bumps

Easy rider speed bumps are effective traffic calming tools that have been used all across the country. Because they are made from 100% recycled rubber (used car tires), they are an eco-friendly alternative to concrete. In addition to being earth friendly, they are also very vehicle friendly. Many people have damaged the underside of their vehicle by scraping concrete bumps. Even the most cautious driver driving at 1 mph can scrape their vehicle on some concrete bumps. Rubber bumps are different, hence the name "easy rider speed bump". The rubber will give and conform to both the road on one side and the vehicle on the other side. For this reason, easy rider speed bumps can be driven over gently.
Recycled rubber is a wonderful material to use to construct traffic calming devices. The obvious reason is that it diverts materials that are otherwise destined for the landfill. But there are other reasons as well. Rubber is naturally resistant to UV light, oil, water, and temperature extremes. 
Easy rider speed bumps are therefore incredibly durable and will last beyond their 3 year warranty. Rubber is also easily conformable, so it is an excellent solution for uneven road surfaces.
Easy rider bumps create a safer parking lot, and for this reason insurance premiums are lowered for parking lot owners who install them. Lot owners also like the fact that they are maintenance free. Concrete bumps inevitably crumble and require expensive maintenance and repair. In addition, concrete bumps must be continually repainted to remain highly visible at night. Easy rider bumps, on the other hand, feature an embedded reflective tape that is easily spotted at night.
There are a number of situations that can be made safer with the installation of a speed bump. Here are just a few examples:
Crosswalk areas with high volume of pedestrian traffic
Reinforce stop signs
High risk areas on residential streets
Areas such as construction zones where a temporary lowering of speed is needed
Parking lots of schools, churches, assisted living facilities, and other facilities where children and/or elderly pedestrians need to safely cross.
Easy rider speed bumps come in 4 or 6 foot lengths and are easy to install on any road surface. They can be installed with rebar spikes or glue, and can be permanent or temporary depending on how they are installed. They are also a much more attractive speed bump than their concrete counterparts.
Regulating Traffic With Speed Bumps

Regulating Traffic With Speed Bumps
