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The Didot typeface book cover+ poster design

The title, South of the Border, West of the Sun, refers to a song by Nat King Cole which he apparently never sang. I went looking for a version of it after I finished reading the novel and only found a version sung by a fan in the style of Cole. Nevertheless, the song exists in the novel and is listened to by Hajime and Shimamoto, first when they are friends at school, and next when they meet each other 25 years later.

The novel appears to be a simple enough love story. It details Hajime’s early years as he grows into adulthood, including his first early relationship with Shimamota as a 12-year-old and his first sexual experiences with Izumi. Flash forward, and we next find Hajime as a 30-year-old man, married to Yukiko with two daughters. With a loan from his father-in-law, Hajime has become the proprietor of two successful jazz bars and his life seems perfect. Except that Shimamoto returns one day.
“I think you still love me, but we can’t escape the fact that I’m not enough for you. I knew this was going to happen. So I’m not blaming you for falling in love with another woman. I’m not angry, either. I should be, but I’m not. I just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt, but I was wrong.”
Poster for the Book event
This is the Redesign book cover project for my Typography class. My theme is about Modern Typeface (also known as Didone).
In the eighteenth century improvements in paper quality combined with more advanced printing methods brought about changes in how typefaces were created.
Modern Typeface is the term used to categorize fonts created at that time or in the style of that time.
Modern Typeface is recognizable by their thin, long horizontal serifs, and clear-cut thick/thin transitions in the strokes. The stress is vertical, i.e. there is no slant on the letters.
A part of the Research I made about Modern Typeface (Prezi Present)
As the usual, Modern Typeface is used for the Headline, Sub Headline or used to emphasize a point. However, in my project, I want to show you another ways to use the Modern Typeface, we can also use it as a shape to create different interesting things. For your information, the typeface I used for my project is Didot.
The Didot typeface book cover+ poster design


The Didot typeface book cover+ poster design
