Andy Nguyen ✪'s profile

Cali Eat & Fit - Nutrition Service

About the service and project

Cali Eat & Fit - A personalized nutrition program exclusively from California Fitness & Yoga Center. 
Eat & Fit is a network of licensed, experienced nutrition experts specializing in weight loss, nutritional balance, meal replacement and healthy weight gain. Through the use of blood analysis we develop a customized menu plan that works for your needs. This program connect you with members online for extreme convenience. Forget about appointments; send a message to your nutritionist anytime 24/7 and they will engage
with you daily, 7 days a week. All this at a fraction of the cost of a traditional nutritionist.

The handbook you're reading is based on all the latest news and scientific updates on nutrition. This book was created with the effort to make customers of Cali learn something new and implement it into daily routine. The goals that experts from Cali Eat & Fit want clients to achieve are
Long-term Health, Vitality Reset and Habit Transformation. But the book and the program overall is not about eating green only but also enjoy your food daily with innovative mindset and fitness habit to create the healthy lifestyle for your own in a happy way, not push yourself into diet.

Target audiences: 
           25 yo and above
           Both non-CFY & CFY members (mostly PT clients)

Items required:
           The personal handbook
           Documents Package
           Stationary ( Temporary version ) 

Okay. Now let me explain why I came up with this mark and developed it on the book's cover and other materials.
This came from the small content tactic in the handbook about using a basic color system to organize
the food you eat in your personal meal plan. There's a menu section in this book will provide you recipes that you need base on this system. The way I set up all the shape in the square frame to demonstrate how the program will change your daily habit with neatly organized nutrition and fitness plan. 
 I came up with 3 special editions for the book cover to give to special clients of Cali as a gift.
Along with these covers are some special items in the color code section.
The standard one will be the main design of the project and be sent to all the customers who participated in the program.

This box will be sent to clients of the program, it includes:
Documents package
• Thank you letter
• Commitment agreement
• Blood test result explanation
Letter Envelop
Color code tag
The stationary package for Cali Eat & Fit team. Due to the business situation,
this is considered as a temporary branding package for this service to communicate with customers and partners.

The purpose of the program is not just about diet or eating green. It's about the happiness of eating right and being healthy. You can eat whatever you love but you know how you should eat the food and combine with the fitness habit. The nutrition team will help you to personalize your meal, which still have your favorite food but with the appropriate proportion. So the image direction of the brand that I choose will be full of happiness, funky ways to eat
in order to show the personal experience of each individual.

There's nothing wrong eating pizza when you're in training.
It's okay if French fires is your fav.
You know what I mean?
Art Direction
Anh Nguyen

Graphic Design
Anh Nguyen​​​​​​​

Handbook Content
Cali Eat & Fit Team

Cali Eat & Fit - Nutrition Service


Cali Eat & Fit - Nutrition Service
