SMA Creative's profile

MASSORI: Brand Identity, packing & print


The special day will come soon.
SMA has developed brand identity and packaging design system for a high quality woman clothing brand based in Kyiv, Ukraine.
External appearance is related to what is happening inside us. External beauty (not external data) is always a message about how a woman relates to herself, to life, to people. Very often we save beautiful clothes for special occasions. When we take off our clothes, we put our life on hold. “Give yourself permission to be beautiful here and now,” Massori tells us.
Inspired by the fresh breeze, the brand's green color is applied throughout the app's packaging and design to create an impression of elegance. Symbolizing the subtlety and delicacy of Massori, brand's rose gold color is used in the logo and important phrases, creating an image of high-end luxury.
Thanks for watching :)
MASSORI: Brand Identity, packing & print


MASSORI: Brand Identity, packing & print
