Portfolio 2021:
This image is a re-recreation of a lockdown image of the infamous painting "Girl With A Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer.
My title card for an animation during the project "Creative Practice".
An animation test I did in Photoshop 2021 to experience how animation in Photoshop works.
A storyboard I animated in Photoshop for my project "Specialist Practice".
This image is a height comparison chart of the same character named Lillianna where she is at her full adult height (character on the right) and of her younger self at 5 years of age (character on the left).
For my "Specialist Practice" project I intend to create a brief backstory of my character Lillianna for Natalie's web-series: Shebasku Cove. I wasn't happy with how the final product of my previous project turned out as I had used Adobe Animate 2020 to create a frame by frame animation. However, the result of this animation felt rushed since I did not include enough frames to make a smooth animation. Applying the 12 Principles of Animation would also have helped me to add in fluidity to whole animation. My friends from college have recommended me to use Adobe Photoshop 2020 in order to improve my animation so I will use this application in order to test my animation and Photoshop skills. 
My current Bēhance profile icon which was created in Photoshop 2021.
A turnaround of my own character E-MARC37 who is also known as Marcel the Fennec Fox which I used for my project "FMP 2020".
Another turnaround of a different character who was also used in my FMP 2020 project: Poppy the Rabbit. This character does not belong to me but I was given permission by the original creator to make this turnaround.
A golden heart I created in Photoshop to use as a symbol for my animation during my "FMP 2020" project.
Portfolio 2021

Portfolio 2021
