Vini Gupta's profile

Book on a Puppeteer

Explorations of single character with different styles from the story
Final  sketch of the characters.
I have shown only one feature of the face in my characters.
Above illustartion style compliments the concept of the story which is, "Puppet behind A Puppet"
The book consists a concept art for each section page of the chapter.
This is one of the section page with concept art
Another Concept art on the section page
The whole book consist ofillustrations depicting the story and mood of the chapter
This is the layout of one of the pages from the book with the illustrations
Another page layout from the book with the illustrations
The book will be out soon
Book on a Puppeteer

Book on a Puppeteer

I am making an illustration based book, "Puppet behind a Puppet" on the life of a puppeteer as a part of my Design Project.
