Madeline Earp's profile

Creative Writing - Scripts & Screenplays

This section shows some examples of my creative writing. Over the past few years i've taught myself how to write screenplays from reading many film screenplays online. The first work shown is my earliest, going down to show my development in skill and story towards the end. 
1. This is one of the very first short film scripts i ever wrote, in 2018 this was part of my A-Level film work. I've decided to include the full play so that I can show my development. 
This was a short film about a group of misfits teenagers who take hallucinogenic drugs on halloween and the consequences that come from that.

Looking back on this script, i can see where i needed to add more information to have this story make more sense to a viewing audience, as it is quite haphazardly put together. I would've liked to have built on these characters and their motivations and back stories behind the way the act in the script.
2. This is a short play I wrote with two other women as part of my drama group. I had written my own scenes for community plays before, but never a collaborative script before. this created new challenge of having to incorporate everyone's different ideas about the story, but we finished it and it was later performed. I am pleased with the end result as a first time creating a script for theatre as part of a team.
3. Extract of a short scene from a 3-part mystery series idea I am beginning to write. This scene was first written in 2019.

4. Extract from a feature film screenplay work in progress. I had the idea and began writing in 2018 and it is an ongoing project for me. This scene was written in summer 2020.
Creative Writing - Scripts & Screenplays

Creative Writing - Scripts & Screenplays


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