Una Hu's profile

Depression is not just feeling down | 董氏基金會 | Explainer

憂鬱症才不只是心情不好!Depression is much more than just feeling down
根據 WHO 2015年的統計,全球罹患憂鬱症人口估計有三億兩千兩百萬人,約莫每二十三個人裡,可能是一個班級或是一個部門,就有一人罹患憂鬱症。它甚至和國人十大死因中的呼吸疾病、心血管疾病和惡性腫瘤,同為「WHO 死亡與疾病負擔統計」中的主要原因之一。 為什麼一個既沒發燒也沒頭痛,只是看起來心情不好的疾病,會有這麼嚴重的影響力呢 ? 就讓我用三分半的時間,來告訴你吧!

According to a WHO report from 2015, there are approximately 322 000 000 people in the world suffering from depression. In other words, 1 in 23 people, that could be one in every school class, or one in every department in the office, who is suffering from depression. Furthermore, along with respiratory diseases, heart disease and tumours, depression ranks as one of the top ten killers in Taiwan.
Why is it that a disease with no obvious outward physical symptoms (other than a person looking like they're in a bad mood) can have such a serious influence on health? I explain all of this in three minutes!

客戶 Client |  董氏基金會 & Yahoo
專案經理 Project Manager |   Mei Lin
製片 Producer |   Una Hu
文字腳本 Script |  董氏基金會 , Una Hu
故事分鏡 Storyboard |   Una Hu
美術設計 Design |   Una Hu
動態設計 Animation |   Una Hu
音效混音 Sound Design & Mix |   Una Hu
旁白 Voice Over |   Una Hu 
字幕 Subtitle |   Una Hu



Depression is not just feeling down | 董氏基金會 | Explainer

Depression is not just feeling down | 董氏基金會 | Explainer
