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Seven Whispers | Found Poetry

This series of found poetry was drawn in pen in The Seven Whispers by Christina Baldwin. My goal is to do a poem for every other page in the book (the ink tends to bleed through just the tiniest bit). I did very minimal sketching before inking the illustrations, so there are small errors throughout, and accepting those was an exercise that was very good for me as an artist and human. Making mistakes is okay. 

When I first began dabbling in found poetry, I quickly realized that the source of literature itself has a massive role in the tone and quality of the poetry. I found this book at a library book sale, drawn to the small size, hard-cover binding, and gorgeous diction. I came to the sale searching for a book to create found poetry, and the language in this resonated with me and the kinds of ideas and feelings I wanted to express.
Reads: Maintain a pace to love the world.
Reads: The shells of life alter where mind and heart mirror the irrepressible child. We stand a chance to feel significant.
Reads: We learn as a child to feel the wind, and exist in consciousness remembering our lost moments.
Page 1: The psychological observer, facing the confines of self, who's journey invaded the intellection insights discovering [Y]ou.
Page 2: Re-establish eternity. Remind us of Heart. Tend to the above-below-behind-before. Perceive it, speak and listen.
Reads: Tree limbs take the parts of our bodies we most need. One too many fears. The rush of adrenaline. 
Bring the center of the world to a hotel lobby. What is my life?
Seven Whispers | Found Poetry

Seven Whispers | Found Poetry


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