The brand identity of this project started with a name Beam, as in 'Beam me up Scotty'. The USP of Beam as a product was at the touch of a button to beam 3D objects into 3D environments. A content management and analytics tool for extended reality.
The brand started as a pair of VR goggles turned on their side to double as a capital 'B' this concept evolved into a beam in the negative space of the B with the top and bottom of the beam doubling as the counters of the capital B.
A blue gradient felt the right choice for the logo mark, and primary brand colour as it created a sense of movement and is a classic colour for an Alien spaceship's beam. 
Concepts of 3D objects representing target markets alongside a work in progress logo.
Experiments with complimentary typefaces to marry with the logo mark.
Finally a simple sans-serif typeface felt the right choice.
Sketches that lead to the final colour illustration above.
Concepts below show the 3D moped model being selected within Beam's user interface (right) and then the 3D model being beamed into the 3D environment (left).
Below are the storyboards and custom illustrations drawn to highlight the USP's of Beam which were then sent to be animated by Votion.
The final animation.
The music choice, voice over, script and custom illustration were all provided by Rocketmakers. VFX, animation and edit by Votion.
A 1-pager website designed to showcase all Beam's features, use cases and promotional assets created, see the final website here.
Below is an initial concept for the user interface of Beam, showcasing the two key flows through the product and a dashboard featuring a variety of placeholder projects.
Below is a concept for a reports dashboard displaying a 3D rendered heat-map.
Below are some custom made icons that feature in the product.
Below is a tour of a virtual store that was created to showcase Beam's USP's.
Above is a design for a custom Rocketmakers high-tops to feature in the virtual store.
Above is a showreel of Beam being used in a variety of different 3D environments. 

Project Made For

