IndieBio NY1

IndieBio has an unparalleled track record of its companies raising seed rounds and beyond. Founders engage with customers and partners, pitch to investors, and turn science into a real product people pay for. 

In 2020, they opened New York location in Manhattan and asked us to help promote eight teams to a world of investment opportunities using interviews and these colourful animations with collages by Klawe Rzeczy, animated by OpenCellMedia and sound design by Theo Sayers.
Click the video above to see the animations with sound and narration
If you want to radically engage your audience, work with Rhys Votano at Open Cell Media. The films they produce are both scientifically and emotionally compelling. Working with Rhys is a dream: he lays out clear expectations and meets or exceeds them every time.
Julie Wolf, Communications Director at IndieBio
Animate the designs
Add the sound
Combine the audio and imagery
If you would like to see more of the teams and their innovative design, then check out their films on this page.
You can also visit the SOSV page to see the full event and layout.
Or see the companies individually at
If you are an illustrator, collage maker or fine artist and would like to work with us, we are always searching for collaborators, so email with a link to your Behance.
IndieBio NY1