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Lyrics Book - Let them eat chaos

Design of the layout of the song book from the album Let Them Eat Chaos by Kate Tempest. 
The style, based on its lyrics, plays with experimentation and the concept of the book itself. 
The result is a different book focused on highlighting the story contained in the songs.

Maquetación del libro de canciones del álbum Let Them Eat Chaos de Kate Tempest. 
El estilo, basado en sus letras, juega con la experimentación y el concepto de libro en sí mismo. 
El resultado es un libro diferente centrado en resaltar la historia contenida en las canciones.

Thanks for watching! 
Hope you enjoy it!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Lyrics Book - Let them eat chaos


Lyrics Book - Let them eat chaos
