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Paleness of October souls

Их кожи коснулась бледность последних дней Октября, их мысли поросли тонкими ветвями и ягодами осенних растений... Вязкая грань снов и внутренний холод погружал их в летаргический сон. И в полудреме они видели как увядал лес, как последние струйки крови осени исчезали на глазах, как закаты теряли насыщенность красок... 

Their skin was touched by the pallor of the last days of October, and their thoughts were covered with the thin branches and berries of autumn plants... The viscous edge of dreams and the internal cold plunged them into a lethargic sleep. And in half-sleep they saw the forest withering, the last trickles of autumn's blood disappearing before their eyes, the sunsets losing their saturation of color...

Natalie Ina

Paleness of October souls.
Models: Asya & Uki.
October 2020.
Natalie Ina Photography. 

Paleness of October souls


Paleness of October souls

"Paleness of October souls" - Their skin was touched by the pallor of the last days of October, and their thoughts were covered with the thin bra Read More
