Black and Yellow Pop-Art Poster for Print-on-Demand
This project was a design for my print-on-demand shop. After my first draft, I changed my course entirely, deciding to create a Pop-Art style poster using the color yellow.
(explaination follows images)
(above: final design)
(above: first draft)
(below: some product previews from Redbubble )
Challenges & Lessons Learned
1) Coming up with ideas to make this design interesting. 
2) Use references and be inspired by others' works. I did not do this.
3) Technical issues when learning a software means more time is needed.

I spent a lot of time scaling this polka-dot pattern.
 It is somewhat tedious to repeatedly click on Object>Transform>Scale and then unchecking those default boxes each time. I need to streamline this process, maybe create actions or just keyboard shortcuts. I really just need more practice with patterns. I was discouraged because I was able to see the pattern swatch borders within my design. I wondered if this was normal and if this would be visible when I saved the PNG.

Adobe Illustrator Tools & Functions Used
Patterns (pre-made), Clipping Masks, Warp (zig-zag), Pen Tool, Elipse, Pathfinder, Offset Path, Spiral tool (on first draft only)

Thank you for visiting me on Behance. 
Any and all criticism and feedback is welcome.
Pop-Art Poster


Pop-Art Poster
