Andrea Raymer's profile

Early College Work

Self Portrait
Acrylic and Ink on Paper
Spring 2010
Depiction of a hand using different mark making techniques.
Mixed Media
Spring 2010
Realism/ Abstraction
Graphite and Ink on Paper
Spring 2010
This peice was based on one of my earliest dreams that I can remember. I was at Disneyworld and all of the different "lands" in Disney were on different levels and I had to ride on top of a giant balloon in order to get from one level to another.
Acrylic on Bristol board
Spring 2010
Guache on Watercolor paper
Spring 2011
Transparency/ Opacity
Guache on Watercolor paper
Spring 2010
Pride/ Humility
Mixed media
Spring 2011
Early College Work

Early College Work

This is a collection of work from my lower level art classes that I took in my first few years at Old Dominion.
