My friend loves his Frenchie puppy-Ben so much that I decided to make a surprise for him on his 21st birthday. I sculpted his doggo in a mini version.
Some sketches before deciding Ben's pose.
I started to build up the basic shape of Ben, then gradually went into details. Fur is one of the things took me most time to sculpt.
Here is Ben after painting, I used saturated colors to make the work more appealing and cartoony. 
I must say the bum is the hardest thing when it comes to references. Most of the photos on internet are the face, not the bum!
So I asked my friend to send me photo of his doggo bum. Yet I need to keep my plan as a secret, I said I was obsessed with animal's bum...hmmm
I made Ben's favorite toy too!
My friend was totally in love with it after opening the box. I hope everyone will love Ben too! 
Thank you for checking out my work!

