Nicolas Gualdrón Rincón's profileAna Velásquez's profile


Tadao Ando / Kobe, Japón 1980-1984

En 1980 Ando empieza la vivienda para el diseñador Koshino, el proyecto lo dispone como dos grandes volúmenes rectangulares -el pequeño para el programa de vivienda y el grande como estancia para invitados- organizados en torno a un patio y conectados por un pasillo que se percibe mas como un túnel subterráneo; en 1983 se le solicita al arquitecto la adición de un estudio, lo que da como resultado el tercer volumen -cuyo remate es curvo-  que se encuentra mas enterrado en el terreno inclinado que sus dos predecesores.

La casa está organizada a partir de un eje principal dado por el diseño original y posee una disrupción que genera un contraste compositivo mas atractivo gracias al volumen agregado posteriormente, su uso de concreto a la vista y vidrio dejan como actor principal al juego de la luz en el espacio y al paisaje cercano y lejano de la vivienda.

Tadao Ando / Kobe, Japan 1980-1984

In 1980 Ando began housing for the designer Koshino, the project arranged as two large rectangular volumes -the small one for the housing program and the large one as a guest room- organized around a patio and connected by a corridor that is perceived more like an underground tunnel; in 1983 the architect was asked to add a study, which resulted in third volume -whose finish is curved- which is more buried in the sloping terrain than its two predecessors.

The house is organized around a main axis given by the original design and has a disruption that generates a more attractive compositional contrast thanks to the volume added later, its use of exposed concrete and glass leave the play of light as the main actor in the space and the landscape near and far from the house.

The exercise - carried out in the second semester of architecture (2016) for the subject "Imagen y Espacio" - aimed to delve into historical references of residential architecture as another tool for the proper formulation of housing designs, for this reason it was requested that the model was built in separable parts to appreciate the spatial articulation more easily.