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UNICEF Logo Redesign + Visual Communications

UNICEF Logo Redesign
Project Duration: 6 weeks
Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign

Brief: Produce your own re-branding for a company that supplies a product, experience or service.

Background Research
The United Nations Children Fund is an organisation that promotes the rights and wellbeing of children. They have 5 priority areas (UNICEF, 2019):
The current logo was then analysed from a symbolic and design perspective.
Current branding guidelines state that the brand style differentiates itself by being SimpleOptimisticBold and Contemporary.

UNICEF's logo represents unification and standing for children. This logo redesign aims to maintain all these values, while still creating a memorable and impactful design.

Primary Research
Primary research in the form of a questionnaire was also conducted to uncover existing brand recognition of the UNICEF logo. Key findings from the 71 participants were:

- 56% were mistaken in identifying the brand from the logo, where almost all those mistaken thought it was a different UN agency.
- On average, the sample only ‘somewhat liked’ the current logo.​​​​​​​
For visual inspiration, a moodboard was created based on UNICEF imagery as well as from other similar organisations.
In-Situ Examples
Original Poster created on Adobe Indesign
UNICEF Logo Redesign + Visual Communications

UNICEF Logo Redesign + Visual Communications
