Wemakez Brand Management Company's profile

Molecules Newspaper Ad and Poster

To bring light to Kannur, the land of looms and lores as it is called, a city in the South Indian state of Kerala - is the goal for Molecules, a showroom for lights. We were given the task of coming up with a poster as well as a newspaper advertisement for them.

The primary challenge for us with this project was to create the most novel and unique design that would immediately stand out to a reader, who would normally skip over the colorful advertisements to get to the news. We used the black and white format of ordinary newspaper columns, but broke the monotony by a bright and lighted bulb in golden yellow.
This gave the impression of the bulb descending upon a quite sleepy yet solemn looking city, almost like a parachute. Right next to this design, written clearly in what looks like a pencil sketch, is the main concept and purpose of the company.

To depict the idea of Molecules bringing light to Kannur in an interesting manner, the lighted yellow bulb was very effective. It captured instant attention even when sandwiched between myriad advertisements and plain news items of a newspaper.
Molecules Newspaper Ad and Poster

Molecules Newspaper Ad and Poster
